It was 93 degrees here today, which makes stu...

April 29, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

It was 93 degrees here today, which makes studying very, very challenging. Just a week and a bit to go.

I'm making oatmeal and flax chocolate chip spice cookies for our last day of classes. I think the Joy of Cooking recipe is broken, because I have to half the oatmeal and spit in the dough to make them stick together. But they're nice and chewy with my special improvisations.

Back from Eugene and DC and now safe, sound a...

April 22, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Back from Eugene and DC and now safe, sound and typing away. Happy Earth Day and congrats to Seraph, Robbie, and Isa!

I have had an incredible vacation

April 17, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I have had an incredible vacation. There's nothing like a root canal to make the world a gentler place.

Current Cast List of our dress up party: Mal...

April 08, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Current Cast List of our dress up party:
Malcolm Reynolds: Adam
Inara: Jamie
Dr. Simon Tam: Sam
River Tam: Emma
Zoe: Jenny
Jayne: Destin
Badger: Jordan
Shepherd Book: Mom
Wash: Bob
Adelei Niska: Dad
Kaylee: Seraph
Mrs. Reynolds/Saffron: That's me

Goodwill run on Saturday!

I got three fantastic and one bum filling on ...

April 07, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I got three fantastic and one bum filling on my last dental tourist trip to Eugene (not a terrible rate of return for my plane ticket). Due to a combination of stress, tooth pain, and nervousness that my bum filling is going to fall out of my mouth, I clench my jaw. I've clenched my jaw for three months now, and surprisingly, my jaw hurts all the time. I've had a jaw ache for thirty six hours. Ugh. Dad is cleaning me up on Friday, so I should be cheerful for most of my vacation in Eugene. Hoorah!

I'm going to a recession wine party tonight, ...

April 03, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm going to a recession wine party tonight, with the requirement that our wines are under five bucks. I've slightly altered my fine Spanish table wine to mimic a Cru Les Millades... and such a good year.

Procrastination is a virus that eventually sp...

April 03, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

Procrastination is a virus that eventually spreads to each of my favorite work spots. For the first semester, I could sit at my desk and the living room table. This semester, I've burned through the living room couch and kitchen table. I think lying in bed eating oatmeal and doing work has lost most of its utility, too. I'm trying out the Waltham library now. Like most New England libraries, its old and beautiful and very quiet during the day. During the afternoon, high school kids come to use the computers and re-hash the three hours they were marginally separated by class schedules. Sometimes they open their homework and lay graphic novels over it. There's nothing quite like a public library.

There are some sentences you don't want a not...

April 02, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

There are some sentences you don't want a note from a housemate to begin with. It's true, My Liz threw a glass of red wine on my white couch. And I should have realized that the huge painting she recently completed of the couch was stained with a deep crimson color was an omen. But I'm sure the cleaner can get it out. And she says we get to bring the paintings from her show home, so even if the couch has a big wine stain forever, it will have its 2D twin for company.

I'm working on a policy analysis for a clas...

April 01, 2009 by Sadie in Sadie & Greg

I'm working on a policy analysis for a class about federal STEM education promotion programs. In the case of policy analysis, twelve ounces is never enough. Gregory Caswell and I are planning for cohabitation next year. That's all the news that's worth reporting from Waltham.

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