Heading Out
November 23, 2011 by Seraph in Cortez
Early Thanksgiving wishes to everyone, and Happy Birthday wishes to Sam! We're heading out to the airport soon, and will be in Arizona until Sunday.
Love to you all!
Thank you!
November 14, 2011 by Seraph in Cortez
Thanks everyone for all the birthday cards and good wishes! It was a long weekend (Isa had a 1/2 day on Thursday, and both Isa and Robbie had Friday off) full of relaxing family time.
We've been on a Harry Potter marathon finishing up the seventh movie last night. Now we get to watch the final movie tonight - after homework and committee meetings!
December trip
November 06, 2011 by Seraph in Cortez
I keep forgetting to post our December trip plans. We'll be flying in to PDX the day after Christmas, and flying back on Jan 1. I think we're hoping for some quiet "free" time, but for the most part we're excited about all the overwelling and load family time!!
November 03, 2011 by Seraph in Cortez
Yesterday I stupidly rubbed my eye while cooking. Oh, did I mention that I had chyenne (sp?) pepper on my fingers? Ouch!! After riping out my contact (hmmm... before I rinsed my hands, so more pepper got in my eye), I did the whole flush with cold water thing, and then walked around all day with my glasses on and a puffy red eye. At least the food was yummy!
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